1 state
1. n1) государство3) состояние; положение•to accept the existence of a state — признавать существование какого-л. государства
to be in a state of smth — находиться в каком-л. состоянии
to carry a state — добиваться победы на выборах / одерживать победу в каком-л. штате
to declare a state — объявлять о создании государства, провозглашать государство
to detain smb under the current state of emergency — задерживать кого-л. согласно действующему закону о чрезвычайном положении
to govern / to guide a state — руководить государством
to incorporate a state into a country — включать какое-л. государство в состав страны
to institute a state of siege — объявлять осадное положение; вводить / устанавливать осадное положение
to reconstitute a state — восстанавливать какое-л. государство
to reduce to the state of smth — низводить до какого-л. положения
to re-impose the state of siege — вновь вводить / восстанавливать осадное положение
to stop short of recognizing a state — не признавать какое-л. государство
- accrediting stateto take action under the state of siege — принимать меры в соответствии с приказом о введении осадного положения
- active state
- adjacent state
- admission of a state in the United Nations
- affairs of state
- aggressor state
- agrarian state
- agrarian-industrial state
- alarming state
- allied state
- apartheid state
- associated states
- at the helm of a state
- Baltic states
- banner state
- belligerent states
- border states
- bordering states
- bourgeois state
- bourgeois-democratic state
- bourgeois-parliamentary state
- breakup of a state
- buffer state
- bureaucratic police state
- call of the states
- capitalist state
- cast-ridden state
- civilized state
- client state
- coastal state
- constitutional state
- contesting states
- continental state
- contracting state
- corporate state
- creation of a state
- delinquent state
- dependent state
- depository state
- developed state - donor state
- enemy state
- equal states
- erection of a state
- exploiting state
- exporting state
- extra-zonal state
- federal state
- federative state
- founding of a state
- friendly state
- front-line state
- guarantor state
- Gulf states
- hinterland state
- home state
- hopeless state
- imposition of a state of emergency
- in a state of stagnation
- independent state
- initial state
- island state
- land-locked state
- law-based state
- law-governed state
- leading state
- lease-holder-state
- legal state
- littoral state
- loosely knit state
- mandatory state
- mediator state
- member state
- militarist state
- military-police state
- moderate state
- multinational state
- national state
- national-democratic state
- nationally uniform state
- near-land-locked state
- near-nuclear state
- neighboring state
- neutral state
- neutralist state
- neutralized state
- new state
- newly proclaimed state
- newly-independent state
- nonaligned states
- nonbelligerent state
- noncoastal state
- nondemocratic state
- nonlittoral state
- non-member state
- non-nuclear state
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- nonsignatory state
- normal state
- nuclear capable state
- nuclear-weapon states
- oceanic coastal state
- offending state
- oil state
- one-party state
- opposite states
- parent state
- participant state
- participating state
- peace-loving state
- permanently neutral state
- pivotal state
- police state
- possession of state secrets
- prenuclear state
- princely state
- proclamation of a state
- producer state
- proletarian state
- protected state
- protecting state
- protector state
- provider state
- puppet state
- rebel state
- receiving state
- recipient state
- reparian state
- requesting state
- responsibility of states
- rightful state
- rogue state
- satellite state
- secular state
- self-imposed state of isolation
- self-sufficient state
- separate state
- signatory state
- slave state
- sovereign state
- stable state
- stagnant state
- state holding most electoral votes
- state of affairs
- state of emergency
- state of market
- state of residence
- state of siege
- state of the economy
- state of trade
- state of war
- state within a state
- states concerned
- states parties
- states with different social structures
- successful state
- territorially integral state
- terrorist state
- The Succession State
- The United State of Europe
- The Warsaw Treaty State
- theocratic state
- threshold state
- totalitarian state
- transgressing state
- transgressor state
- transient state
- transition towards a multiparty state
- trustee state
- unified state
- unitary state
- unity of the state
- user state
- vassal states
- viable state
- welfare state
- young sovereign states
- zonal states 2. vзаявлять; излагать; выражать; сообщать; высказывать; констатировать; формулироватьto state an opinion / a question etc. — излагать мнение / вопрос и т.п.
2 law
n1) закон- in law2) право; правоведение; законодательство- take law proceedings against smb.- institute law proceedings against smb.4) закон (природы, научный)5) правило•- land law- remain under the protection and authority of the principles of international law- club law- case law- good law- law act- air law -
3 power
n1) сила; мощь; способность2) энергия3) власть, сила4) право, полномочия5) держава•to accord powers to smb — предоставлять полномочия кому-л.
to act outside one's powers — выходить за пределы своих полномочий
to assume power — брать власть в свои руки; приходить к власти
to bolster one's challenge to political power — усиливать свои притязания на политическую власть
to cede power to smb — уступать власть кому-л.
to check a country's power — преграждать путь мощи какой-л. страны
to come to power — приходить к власти; брать власть в свои руки
to concentrate all power in one's hands — сосредоточивать всю полноту власти в своих руках
to confirm smb in power — утверждать чье-л. назначение во главе государства
to delegate powers to smb — передавать / делегировать полномочия кому-л.
to do everything in one's legitimate power — делать все в пределах своей законной власти
to entrench oneself in power — закрепляться у власти
to exclude smb from power — не допускать кого-л. к власти
to exhibit one's full powers — предъявлять свои полномочия
to furnish smb with powers — предоставлять кому-л. полномочия
to gain power — захватывать власть; приходить к власти
to go beyond one's constitutional powers — превышать свои конституционные права
to hand over power to smb — передавать власть кому-л.
to lodge a great deal of power in smb's hands — сосредоточивать большую власть в чьих-л. руках
to lose one's power over smb — утрачивать власть над кем-л.
to preserve one's present power and privilege — сохранять свою власть и привилегии
to put too much power into smb's hands — наделять кого-л. слишком большой властью
to restore smb to power — восстанавливать кого-л. у власти
to share power with smb — разделять власть с кем-л.
to take power into one's hands — брать власть в свои руки
to take over power — приходить к власти; захватывать власть
to take some power away from smb — уменьшать чью-л. власть
to tighten one's grip on power — укреплять свою власть
to transfer power to smb — передавать власть кому-л.
to undermine smb's power — подрывать чью-л. власть
- absolute powerto win power — захватывать / завоевывать власть; приходить к власти
- abuse of power - administering power
- administrative power
- advent of power
- allied powers
- alternation of power
- alternative sources of power
- appointive power
- arrogance of power
- assumption of power
- atomic powers
- authoritarian power
- autocratic power
- Axis Powers - bid for greater powers
- bodies of power
- broad powers
- buying power
- capitalist power
- centralized power
- centrally organized political power
- change of power
- colonial power
- competitive power
- conquest of political power
- constituent power
- constitutional powers
- contender for power - dangerous power
- de facto power - decline in purchasing power - departure from power
- depleted power
- derogation of the powers
- detaining power
- deterrent power
- developing nuclear power
- devolution of power to the regions
- dictatorial powers
- discretionary power
- display of power
- division of power - electric power
- emergency powers
- emerging nuclear power
- Entente powers
- enumerated powers
- equilibrium of power
- executive power
- exercise of the power
- extension in power
- extension of powers
- extensive powers
- extra powers
- extra-constitutional powers
- fall from power
- federally generated power
- foreign power
- full powers
- general powers
- great power
- greater powers
- greater reliance on nuclear power
- grip on power
- handover of power
- hold on power
- imperial power
- imperialist power
- implied powers
- in power
- increased powers
- increased pressure on smb to relinquish power
- industrial power
- inherent powers
- inland power
- invincible power
- jockeying for power
- judicial power
- judiciary power
- labor power
- large powers
- leading power
- legal power
- legislative power
- limited powers
- limitless power
- long run of power
- lust for power
- major power
- majority power
- mandatory powers
- maritime power
- market power
- military power
- misuse of power
- monopoly of power
- monopoly power
- motive power
- naval power
- non-nuclear power
- nuclear power
- occupying power
- official powers - overthrow of smb's power
- Pacific power - peaceful transfer of power
- peace-loving power
- personal power
- plenary power
- plenipotentiary power
- political power
- popular power
- power has passed out of the hands of a party
- power is ebbing
- power of attorney
- power of influence
- power of organization
- power of recognition
- power of the law
- power of the purse
- power to sign
- powers of arrest and interrogation
- powers of internment
- powers of stop and search
- powers of the presidency
- powers that be
- powers to do smth
- principle power
- purchasing power
- push for power
- real power
- real purchasing power
- redistribution of power
- reduction in purchasing power
- reduction of smb's power
- regional power
- reins of power
- removal from power
- reserved power
- resurgence of military power
- retaliatory power
- return to power
- revolutionary power
- rise of power
- road to power
- royal power - signatory power
- source of power
- space power
- special powers
- specific powers
- state power
- strengthening of the economic and defense power of the state
- strengthening of the power
- strong executive powers
- struggle for power
- succession to power
- supreme power
- surrender of powers to smb
- sweeping powers
- switch of power from... to...
- the dollar's holding power
- the main power behind the throne
- third power
- time in power
- too much power is invested in the president
- trading power
- transfer of power to smb
- transforming power
- transition of power
- treaty-making power
- tutelary power
- under existing powers
- unlimited power
- untrammeled power
- unwarranted power
- usurpation of power
- vast powers
- verification of powers
- vested with broad powers
- veto powers
- victorious powers
- war powers
- Western Powers
- wide powers
- with deciding voting power
- world power -
4 service
1. n1) служба; обслуживание, сервис2) заслуга; услуга3) эксплуатация4) срок службы•to build up a coherent international civil service — создавать согласованную международную гражданскую службу
to cut back on health and social services — урезать ассигнования на здравоохранение и социальные нужды
to give an idea diplomatic lip service — дипломатически поддерживать какую-л. идею на словах
to give the Health Service a substantial boost in funding — выделять крупные ассигнования на нужды здравоохранения
to lead a service — церк. проводить службу
to pay lip service (to) — относиться формально (к чему-л.); поддерживать (что-л.) на словах
to perform services — выполнять услуги / работы
to render services to smb — предоставлять / оказывать услуги кому-л.
to say a service — церк. отправлять богослужение
to smooth the way to privatizing the health service — готовить почву для денационализации здравоохранения
to take service with smb — поступать на службу к кому-л.
to take into one's service — нанимать
- administrative servicesto utilize the services (of smb) — использовать (чьи-л.) услуги
- advisory service
- amusement and recreation services
- analytical services
- at your service
- auxiliary services
- base service
- battle service
- break in service
- British Intelligence Service
- broadcasting service
- budgetary services
- call to military service
- career service
- civil service
- classified service
- closed services
- communal public services
- community services
- compulsory military service
- computer services
- conciliation service
- consular service
- consultant services
- consultation service
- consumer services
- continuous length of service
- continuous service
- counter-intelligence service
- Criminal Intelligence Service
- data processing services
- debt service
- dedication service
- deterioration in the social services
- development planning advisory services
- diplomatic pouch service
- diplomatic service
- emergency service
- employment service
- essential services
- evasion of military service
- exigency of service
- expatriate advisory service
- expert services
- expiration of service
- export services
- extension of the services of an expert
- extension services
- Federal Security Service
- field services
- financial services
- foreign intelligence service
- foreign service
- functional services
- government foreign services
- government service
- great services to the state
- guidance and counseling services
- health services
- honorable service
- information service
- integrated services
- intelligence service
- Internal Revenue Service
- international civil service
- international information service
- investment services
- joint service
- labor service
- language services
- legal services
- length of labor service
- liable for military service
- local service
- long service
- long-distance telephone service
- mail and messenger service
- management consulting services
- management information service
- management services
- maternity and child care service
- medical service
- memorial service
- merchant service
- messenger service
- meteorological service
- military service
- moral objection to compulsory military service
- municipal services
- national services
- Naval Investigative Service
- on active service
- operational service
- outstanding services
- oversea service
- period of service
- personal services
- postal services
- pouch service
- press service
- procurement services
- provision of consultative services
- public health service
- public service
- radio service
- rear services
- religious service
- reporting services
- round-the-world service
- sanitary services
- Secret Service
- security service
- selective service
- separation from the service
- service with the colors
- services to foreign troops
- short-term advisory services
- social service
- social welfare services
- special service
- state security service
- state service
- statistical service
- subcontracted services
- tangible services
- technical services
- technical training services
- through service
- UN civil service
- uninterrupted length of service
- universal military service
- voluntary national service
- war service 2. v1) обслуживать; оказывать услугу• -
5 fund
1. n1) запас, резерв, фонд2) pl фонды, денежные средства
- accumulation fund
- adequate funds
- actual fund
- additional funds
- advisory funds
- aggressive growth fund
- amortization fund
- authorized fund
- available funds
- balanced fund
- bank funds
- basic fund
- bond fund
- bond sinking fund
- bonus fund
- borrowed funds
- budgetary funds
- burial fund
- buy-out fund
- capital fund
- capital redemption reserve fund
- cash fund
- charter fund
- claims settlement fund
- clearing house funds
- clone fund
- closed fund
- closed-end investment funds
- common stock fund
- common trust fund
- compensation fund
- consolidated fund
- consumption fund
- contingency funds
- contingent fund
- contract fund
- co-op share fund
- corporate income fund
- corporate liquid fund
- country fund
- cover funds
- credit funds
- currency fund
- debt fund
- debt funds
- deferred fund
- deposit funds
- depreciation fund
- development fund
- discretionary fund
- diversified common stock fund
- diversified common trust fund
- dividend reserve fund
- economic incentive fund
- economic stimulation fund
- emergency funds
- emergency reserve fund
- emerging markets growth fund
- employee benefit trust fund
- endowment fund
- equalization fund
- equalized fund
- equity funds
- equity common trust fund
- equity income fund
- escrow funds
- exchange stabilization fund
- expense fund
- extra funds
- extra-budgetary funds
- federal fund
- federal funds
- federal reserve fund
- federal small business support fund
- fiduciary funds
- financial fund
- financing funds
- floating funds
- floating funds in circulation
- footloose funds
- foreign funds
- fresh funds
- front-end load fund
- frozen funds
- general fund
- go-go fund
- gold settlement fund
- good funds
- government funds
- growth fund
- growth and income fund
- guarantee fund
- hard-currency funds
- hedge fund
- high-quality fund
- house funds
- illiquid funds
- imprest fund
- income fund
- income mutual fund
- indemnification fund
- indivisible funds
- inducement fund
- in-house funds
- insufficient funds
- insurance fund
- interest-sensitive funds
- internal funds
- International Monetary Fund
- investment funds
- joint fund
- labour fund
- lease fund
- lendable funds
- liquid fund
- liquid funds
- liquid foreign exchange funds
- liquid reserve fund
- liquidity fund
- load mutual fund
- loan fund
- loan funds
- loanable funds
- loan redemption fund
- local fund
- long-term funds
- low-cost funds
- material incentives fund
- maximum capital gain mutual fund
- monetary fund
- money market fund
- money market mutual fund
- mutual fund
- mutual mortgage insurance fund
- no-load fund
- off-budget fund
- offshore fund
- open-end investment fund
- open share fund
- outside funds
- overnight funds
- payroll fund
- pension fund
- performance fund
- petty cash fund
- policy reserve fund
- private fund
- private funds
- professional health insurance fund
- proprietary fund
- provident fund
- public funds
- public consumption funds
- public off-budget funds
- purchase fund
- real estate fund
- redemption fund
- registered fund
- released fund
- relief fund
- renewal fund
- research-and-development fund
- reserve funds
- retention funds
- revaluation rerserve fund
- revolving fund
- sector-specified fund
- share fund
- shareholders' fund
- short-term funds
- short-term bond fund
- sinking fund
- slush fund
- social consumption funds
- social security fund
- soft loan fund
- specialized fund
- specialty fund
- special-purpose fund
- special reserve fund
- stabilization fund
- standards of emergency funds
- standby funds
- state funds
- statutory fund
- sufficient funds
- superannuation fund
- surplus funds
- tax-exempt bond fund
- tied-up funds
- trust fund
- uncollected funds
- unit fund
- unpaid liability funds
- utility or other-enterprise fund
- volatile funds
- vulture fund
- wages fund
- welfare fund
- working capital fund
- working time fund
- fund for amortization
- fund for development of production
- fund for expansion of production
- fund for the support of small enterprise
- fund for technological improvement
- funds of a bank
- funds of an enterprise
- fund of funds
- administer a fund
- advance funds
- allocate funds
- appropriate funds
- attract funds
- be pressed for funds
- borrow funds
- call upon the fund
- commit the funds
- convert funds to another purpose
- create funds
- deposit funds
- draw money from the fund
- earmark funds
- establish a fund
- extend funds
- freeze funds
- generate funds
- grant funds
- invest funds
- launch a hedge fund
- make funds available
- manage a fund
- misspend federal funds
- obtain funds
- open a fund
- pay out funds
- provide funds
- raise funds
- redistribute funds
- release funds
- repatriate funds
- set aside funds
- set up a fund
- streamline a fund
- tie up funds
- transfer funds
- withdraw funds2. v2) финансировать, фондировать
- fund through taxation -
6 aid
1. сущ.
1) помощь, поддержка( for, in, to) to extend, give, offer, provide, render aid ≈ предложить помощь to come to smb.'s aid ≈ прибегнуть к чьей-л. помощи to cut off aid, withdraw aid ≈ отказаться от предложенной помощи to administer first aid, to give first aid, to render first aid ≈ оказывать первую помощь generous aid ≈ великодушная помощь, щедрая помощь first aid ≈ первая помощь urgent aid ≈ неотложная помощь, скорая помощь economic aid ≈ экономическая помощь foreign aid ≈ помощь зарубежных стран government aid ≈ правительственные дотации legal aid( for the poor) ≈ юридическая поддержка economic aid to developing countries ≈ экономическая помощь развивающимся странам domiciliary aid ≈ помощь на дому reducing aids ≈ средства для похудения Syn: assistance, help
1., support, succour
1., relief I
2) ассистент, помощник Syn: aide, assistant, helper, mate
3) аппарат, устройство( помогающее видеть, слышать и т. п.) guiding aid ≈ прибор для ориентации слепых hearing aid ≈ слуховой аппарат reading aid ≈ прибор для чтения слабовидящими или слепыми visual aid ≈ аппарат, помогающий видеть
4) мн.;
ист. сборы, налоги
5) ист. дань, выплачиваемая вассалом своему господину
6) мн.;
воен. вспомогательные войска
7) мн. вспомогательные средства;
пособия health aids training aids audio-visual aids aids and appliances
8) ист. субсидия королю (до 18 века давалась английским парламентом королю на чрезвычайные нужды)
2. гл. помогать, оказывать помощь, оказывать поддержку, способствовать She aided him in his work. ≈ Она оказывала ему помощь в работе. He will aid if they will call. ≈ Он поможет, если они позовут. Syn: help
2., assist, succour
- mutual * взаимопомощь;
- without * без посторонней помощи;
- * post (военное) медицинский пункт;
- to call in smb.'s * обратиться к кому-л за помощью;
- to go to smb.'s * прийти к кому-л на помощь (американизм) = aide (специальное) протез, аппарат (выполняющий функцию какого-л. органа) - hearing * слуховой аппарат вспомогательные средства, пособия;
- training *s учебные пособия;
- *s and appliances приспособления, материальные средства ( военное) (профессионализм) вспомогательные войска (юридическое) содействие;
- * and comfort помощь и поддержка (историческое) дань вассала своему феодалу (историческое) денежная субсидия королю (историческое) заем в казначействе (историческое) сборы, налоги, пошлины( во Франции) > what's this in * of? для чего это нужно?;
к чему все это?;
> what's all this holloing in * of? чего ты орешь? помогать, оказывать помощь, поддержку;
- to * smb. to do smth. помогать кому-л сделать что-л;
содействовать прогрессу, способствовать развитию;
- to * understanding облегчать взаимопонимание;
- to * recovery способствовать выздоровлениюadministrative ~ административная помощьaid pl воен. вспомогательные войска~ pl вспомогательные средства;
training aids учебные пособия;
(audio-) visual aids наглядные пособия;
aids and appliances приспособления, материальные средства ~ облегчать ~ оказывать поддержку ~ оказывать помощь ~ оказывать содействие ~ поддержка ~ помогать;
способствовать ~ помогать ~ помощник ~ помощь, поддержка ~ помощь, денежное воспомоществование ~ помощь ~ pl ист. сборы, налоги ~ содействие ~ содействовать прогрессу ~ способствовать развитию ~ ускорять~ in kind помощь натурой~ to developing countries помощь развивающимся странам~ pl вспомогательные средства;
training aids учебные пособия;
(audio-) visual aids наглядные пособия;
aids and appliances приспособления, материальные средстваcommunity ~ коллективная помощьdevelopment ~ помощь в целях развития development ~ помощь развивающимся странамemergency ~ неотложная помощь emergency ~ скорая помощьfinancial ~ to students финансовая помощь студентамfirst ~ первая помощьfood ~ помощь продовольствием food ~ продовольственнная помощьforeign ~ иностранная помощьgovernment ~ государственная помощь government ~ правительственная помощьgrant legal ~ оказывать юридическую помощь grant legal ~ предоставлять правовую помощьhealth ~ помощь на развитие здравоохраненияlegal ~ правовая помощь legal ~ юридическая помощьlend ~ оказывать помощьmechanical ~ механический протезmonetary ~ денежная помощь monetary ~ финансовая помощьmultilateral ~ многосторонняя помощьmutual ~ взаимное содействие mutual ~ взаимопомощьnational ~ государственная помощьnursing ~ помощь по уходу за ребенкомpecuniary ~ денежная помощьproducer ~ помощь производителю producer ~ субсидия производителюpublic ~ государственное вспомоществованиеregional ~ региональная помощьrender ~ оказывать помощьsecretarial ~ секретарские услугиteaching ~s учебные пособияtraining ~s наглядные пособия~ pl вспомогательные средства;
training aids учебные пособия;
(audio-) visual aids наглядные пособия;
aids and appliances приспособления, материальные средства aids: training ~ средства обученияvisual ~ приспособление для исправления зрения~ pl вспомогательные средства;
training aids учебные пособия;
(audio-) visual aids наглядные пособия;
aids and appliances приспособления, материальные средства -
7 loan
1. nзаем; ссуда; кредит
- accommodation loan
- active loan
- adjustable mortgage loan
- advance loan
- agency loan
- agricultural loan
- amortization loan
- asset-based loan
- back-to-back loan
- bad loan
- balloon loan
- bank loan
- banking sector's nonperforming loans
- bank-to-bank loan
- below-market loan
- big loan
- bilateral loan
- blank loan
- borrowed-pledge security loan
- bottomry loan
- bridge loan
- bridging loan
- broker's loan
- building loan
- bullet loan
- business loan
- call loan
- callable loan
- capped floating rate loan
- cash loan
- character loan
- cheap loan
- clearance loan
- collared floating rate loan
- collateral loan
- collateralized loan
- commercial loan
- committed loan
- commodity loan
- compulsory loan
- concessionary loan
- consolidated loan
- consumption loan
- corporate loan
- Crown loan
- currency loan
- customer's loan
- daily loan
- day loan
- day-to-day loan
- dead loan
- dealer loan
- defaulted loan
- delinquent loan
- demand loan
- development loan
- direct loan
- disbursed loan
- discount loan
- discount interest loan
- distressed loan
- dollar loan
- domestic loan
- downstream loan
- droplock loan
- dud loan
- emergency loan
- emergency reconstruction loan
- Eurocurrency loan
- Eurosyndicated loans
- excess loan
- export adjustment loan
- external loan
- farm loan
- federal loan
- fiduciary loan
- fixed loan
- fixed-date loan
- fixed-interest loan
- fixed rate loan
- floated loan
- floating-rate loan
- forced loan
- foreign loan
- free-limit loan
- frozen loan
- funded loan
- funding loan
- gold loan
- government loan
- hard loan
- hedged loan
- high-interest loan
- home loan
- home finance loan
- home improvement loan
- housing construction loan
- hybrid loan
- indexed loan
- industrial loan
- industrial and trade policy adjustment loan
- installment loan
- interbank loan
- intercompany loan
- interest bearing loan
- interest-free loan
- interim loan
- intermediate loan
- internal loan
- inventory loan
- investment loan
- jeopardy loan
- jumbo loan
- large loan
- limited recourse loan
- local loan
- lombard loan
- long loan
- long-dated loan
- long-period loan
- long-sighted loan
- long-term loan
- long-term mortgage loan
- low-interest loan
- low-interest-rate mortgage loan
- lucrative loan
- margin loan
- market loan
- medium-term loan
- money loan
- morning loan
- mortgage loan
- multicurrency loan
- multilateral loan
- municipal loan
- national loan
- negative amortization loan
- net loans
- nonperforming loan
- on call loan
- one-off purpose-oriented loan
- outstanding loan
- overage loan
- overdue loan
- overnight loan
- package loan
- parallel loan
- participating loan
- participation loan
- past-due loan
- performing loan
- permanent loan
- permanent government loan
- perpetual loan
- personal loan
- pledge loan
- poorly performing loan
- precarious loan
- prematured loan
- prime-rate loan
- problem loan
- programme loan
- public loan
- purpose loan
- real estate loan
- receivable loan
- reconstruction loan
- recourse loan
- redeemable loan
- redemption loan
- rehabilitation import loan
- reimbursable loan
- renegotiated loan
- repaid loan
- replacement loan
- resetter loan
- seasonal loan
- seasoned loan
- sector loan
- sector adjustment loan
- sector investment and maintenance loan
- secured loan
- securities loan
- securitized loan
- self-liquidating loan
- self-liquidation loan
- senior loan
- short loan
- short-dated loan
- short-sighted loan
- short-term floating rate loan
- short-time loan
- sight loan
- signature loan
- simple-interest loan
- single loan
- sinking-fund loan
- small business loan
- soft loan
- sovereign loan
- sovereign-risk loan
- stabilization loan
- stand-by loan
- state loan
- sterling loan
- stock exchange loan
- straight loan
- street loan
- subsidiary loan
- swing loan
- syndicate loan
- tax-exempt loan
- technical assistance loan
- term loan
- tied loan
- time loan
- time-slice loan
- underperforming loan
- undersubscribed loan
- underwater loan
- undisbursed loan
- unlimited loan
- unrecoverable loan
- unsecured loan
- upstream loan
- utilized loan
- variable rate loan
- viable loan
- watch loan
- weekly loan
- loan against borrower's note
- loan against goods
- loan against a guarantee
- loan against hypothecation of goods
- loan against payment documents
- loan against pledged bills
- loan against pledge of goods
- loan against a promissory note
- loan against securities
- loan against shares
- loan at call
- loan at interest
- loan at notice
- loan for a period of
- loan in sterling
- loan of money
- loan on bills of exchange
- loan on call
- loan on collateral
- loan on debentures
- loan on easy terms
- loan on favourable terms
- loan on goods
- loan on interest
- loan on landed property
- loan on merchandise
- loan on mortgage
- loan on pawn
- loan on policy
- loan on securities
- loan on the security of bills
- loan on short notice
- loans to customers
- loan without interest
- loan without security
- loan with participations
- loan with strings attached
- loan bearing no interest
- loan payable on request of the creditor
- accelerate a loan
- accommodate with a loan
- advance a loan
- allow a loan
- apply for a loan
- assess delinquent loans
- back a loan
- book loans
- call in a loan
- cancel a call loan
- complete a loan
- contract a loan
- cover a loan
- default on a loan
- disburse a loan
- downgrade a loan
- extend a loan
- finance a loan
- float a loan
- forfeit a loan
- get a loan
- give a loan
- grant a loan
- guarantee a loan
- issue a loan
- launch a loan
- liquidate a loan
- make a loan
- meet a loan
- monitor a loan
- negotiate a loan
- obtain a loan
- offer a loan
- pay back a loan
- pay down a loan
- pay off a loan
- place a loan
- provide a loan
- put out on loan
- qualify for a loan
- raise a loan
- recall a loan
- redeem a loan
- renew a loan
- repay a loan
- request a loan
- retire a loan
- retrieve a loan
- secure a loan
- secure a new loan
- service a loan
- sink a loan
- slash loans
- subscribe to a loan
- support a loan
- take up a loan
- warrant a loan
- write off bad loans2. v -
8 fund
1.2.1) запас, резерв, фонд2) pl фонды, денежные средства•The funds hit the account. — Средства «упали» на счет, средства переведены на счет.
9 loan
10 law
n1) закон; законодательство2) право3) суд; судебный процесс
- accounting law
- administrative law
- agrarian law
- anti-bribery law
- anticartel law
- anti-corruption law
- anti-money-laundering law
- antitrust law
- applicable law
- applicable tax law
- bank law
- bank confidentiality law
- bankruptcy law
- basic law
- blue sky laws
- business law
- case law
- civil law
- commercial law
- common law
- company law
- constitutional law
- consumer's law
- contract law
- contractual law
- corporate law
- criminal law
- currency law
- current tax laws
- customary law
- customs law
- design law
- distribution law
- domestic law
- draft law
- economic law
- economical law
- emergency law
- environmental laws
- equipartition law
- equity law
- established law
- exchange law
- existing law
- fiscal law
- foreign laws
- formal law
- fundamental law
- general economic laws
- governing law
- immigration law
- income tax law
- industrial relations law
- insolvency law
- international law
- international monetary law
- invention law
- inventor's law
- investment laws
- job protection laws
- judiciary law
- labour laws
- land law
- lending limitation law
- lenient law
- licence law
- local laws
- mandatory law
- marine insurance law
- maritime law
- market economy laws
- mercantile law
- merchant law
- merchant shipping law
- minimum-hour law
- minimum-wage law
- natural law
- objective laws
- Parkinson law
- patent law
- private law
- prohibitory law
- public law
- quarantine laws
- registration law
- remedial law
- resale price maintenance laws
- revenue law
- semi-legislative law
- space law
- state law
- statistical law
- statute law
- statutory law
- strike law
- stringent law
- subordinate law
- tariff law
- tax law
- taxation law
- tort law
- trademark law
- uniform law
- valuation law
- zoning laws
- laws in action
- laws in force
- law of average profit
- law of contracts
- law of corporations
- law of diminishing returns
- law of economy of time
- law of equity
- law of merchants
- law of monetary circulation
- laws of nature
- law of obligations
- laws of probability
- law of property
- law of the sea
- law of supply and demand
- law of value
- law on bankruptcy
- law on insolvency
- law on land sales
- laws on taxes and charges
- against the law
- at law
- in law
- under the law
- abide by the law
- abrogate a law
- adopt a law
- annul a law
- apply a law
- become a law
- be governed by a law
- break a law
- carry a law into effect
- circumvent antimonopoly law
- comply with a law
- effect a law
- elaborate a law
- enact a law
- enforce a law
- evade a law
- extend a law
- give effect to a law
- go beyond a law
- go to law
- implement a law
- infringe a law
- keep within a law
- lay down a law
- modify the law
- observe laws
- offend against a law
- pass a law
- put a law into effect
- put a law into force
- repeal a law
- resort to law
- respect a law
- sidestep a law
- transgress a law
- update a bankruptcy law
- veto the law
- violate a law
- violate laws on securities trading -
11 aid
1. nпомощь, содействие, поддержкаto appeal / to ask for aid — обращаться за помощью; просить помощь
to cancel / to cease aid — прекращать помощь
to channel aid for / into smth — направлять помощь на что-л.
to come to smb's aid — приходить на помощь кому-л.
to cut off aid to smb — прекращать помощь кому-л.
to donate aid — оказывать помощь, предоставляя что-л. в виде дара
to end all aid to a country — прекращать оказание всех видов помощи какой-л. стране
to go to the aid of smb — приходить на помощь кому-л.
to renew / to restore / to resume aid — возобновлять предоставление / оказание помощи
to step up aid — усиливать помощь; увеличивать размеры помощи
- aid in cashto turn down $... of aid — отвергать предложение о предоставлении помощи на сумму... долларов
- aid in the form of food
- aid on a multilateral basis
- aid with strings
- aid without strings
- all-round aid
- appeal for international aid
- budgetary aid
- calls for renewed aid
- cancellation of aid
- capital aid for economic development
- cash aid
- clandestine aid
- cut in aid
- cutbacks in aid
- development aid
- disinterested aid
- distribution of aid
- economic aid
- effective aid
- emergency aid
- ending of aid
- federal aid
- financial aid
- flow of aid
- food aid
- foreign aid
- generous aid
- government aid
- gratuitous aid
- humanitarian aid
- ineffective aid
- inflow of aid
- influx of foreign aid
- international aid
- large-scale aid
- lethal aid
- long-term aid
- massive aid
- military aid
- misappropriation of aid
- multilateral aid
- mutual aid
- necessary aid
- nonfinancial aid
- nonmilitary aid
- outside aid
- planeload of aid
- pledges of aid
- provision of aid
- relief aid
- resumption of aid for smb
- review of smb's aid to a country
- short-term aid
- special aid
- state aid
- substantial aid
- suspension of aid
- technical aid
- technological aid
- terms and conditions of aid
- tied aid
- top recipient of aid
- unconditional aid
- unrestricted aid
- urgent aid
- welfare aid 2. vпомогать, оказывать помощь, оказывать содействие, оказывать поддержку
См. также в других словарях:
HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Timeline of the 2005 French civil unrest — The following is a timeline of the 2005 French civil unrest that began Thursday, October 27, 2005. Where the source lists events as occurring in a night and following morning, this article lists them on the date of the night, not the following… … Wikipedia
The United States of America — The United States of America † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The United States of America BOUNDARIES AND AREA On the east the boundary is formed by the St. Croix River and an arbitrary line to the St. John, and on the north by the… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — Classification Latter Day Saint movement Theology Nontrinitarian, Mormonism Governance … Wikipedia
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 — This article is about one division of an enacted statute. For the entire statute, see Public Law 110 343. For the enacted rescue program, see Troubled Asset Relief Program. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Division A of Pub.L.… … Wikipedia
Emergency medical services in the United States — infobox country common name = United States capital = Washington, DC [cite web|url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the world factbook/geos/us.html|title=All facts unless otherwise cited are from: The CIA World Fact Book|accessdate=2008… … Wikipedia
The George Washington University — Infobox University name = The George Washington University image size = 150 px motto = Deus Nobis Fiducia ( In God Our Trust ) established = February 9, 1821 type = Private endowment = US $1.147 billion [cite web | title = All Institutions Listed … Wikipedia
State Children's Health Insurance Program — The State Children s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) – later known more simply as the Children s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)[1] – is a program administered by the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provides matching… … Wikipedia
The Women's Conference — Reinvented by Shriver, The Women’s Conference has reportedly become the largest meeting of women in the country [Maria Shriver s Job, http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la ed women26oct26,0,7619448.story?coll=la opinion leftrail] and a… … Wikipedia
State of Palestine — This article is about the political entity proclaimed in 1988. For other uses, see Palestine (disambiguation). State of Palestine[1][i] دولة فلسطين … Wikipedia
Circumstances prior to the Malayan Emergency — In 1948, the Communists and the British colonial government in Malaya entered a period of guerrilla fighting which has become known to history as the Malayan Emergency. The name derives from the state of emergency declared by the colonial… … Wikipedia